The admin menu gives full control to (1.3):
- Add a late roll
- Remove a roll that is invalid (drive by roller/bot roll)
- Remove a loot item that was mistakenly delved
- Undo a win (in case an attendee changes their mind or you marked an incorrect win)
- Add Items by hand (especially useful when lottoing a "package" such as 1 each of respec stones from a dragon).
- And more...
Download the Script Files, then unzip to a directory on your hard drive.
This script requires php5x and MySQL5.x (though will work on many php4x/mysql4x systems). Windows servers may handle data differently as this script has only been tested on Unix/Linux based servers.
If your server meets the requirements, you will create your database, username and password via your host's control panel or whatever method they choose, then please open "func.config.php" in a text editor (such as notepad - NOT A WORD PROCESSOR PROGRAM such as Word or Wordpad) and edit your Database information:
- user: your database username, this is set by you when you created the database.
- password: your database password, this is set by you when you created the database.
- database: this is your database "name", given at time of database creation
- dbserver: this is your actual mysql server name. Some hosts will allow "localhost" to be used, but most shared hosting have server names such as
Once you have made your changes in the config.php save it then upload all files to your host. You should have 3 files in your main directory (this can be a subdirectory of your main website - it does not have to be in your root directory):
- index.php
- seren-sorter.gif
- sf.gif
And a subdirectory named "admin" will go inside your main directory and include 8 files:
- admin.php
- adminMenu.php
- config.php
- functions.php
- html.php
- index.php
- roll-setup-db.php
- start.php
Each of these files, other than the images (*.gif files), should be uploaded in ASCII mode (images in Binary mode ;).
You will then use your web browser to go to roll-setup-db.php, if you used a subdirectory of your site named "roll" as your main directory, the URL would look similar to this:
This script will set up the tables in your database for use. Please Note: these tables are prefaced with "Seren_" so that you can use the same database for multiple scripts. You should then see a successful message and you are ready to use the script, roll-setup-db.php should now be deleted from the server - it will not be needed again (leaving it on the server poses a risk that someone with ill-intent will use it again possibly deleting any data in your database).
Final Note: The admin directory should be password protected with an .htaccess/.htpasswd combination to keep unauthorized individuals from altering raid information or purging data. To not password this area leaves it open to outside manipulation! (Need a Tutorial?).
Enjoy! I hope your raid lotto was easier to administer ;)